=== Plugin Name === Contributors: halgatewood Donate link: http://halgatewood.com/donate/ Tags: testimonials, sidebar, shortcode, testimonial, praise, homage, testimony, witness, appreciation, green light, rotator, rotators, for developers Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 4.3 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Easily add Testimonials to your WordPress Blog or Company Website. == Description == Finally a really simple way to manage testimonials on your site. This plugin creates a testimonial and a testimonial rotator custom post type, complete with WordPress admin fields for adding testimonials and assigning them to rotators for display. It includes a Widget and Shortcode to display the testimonials. = Documentation = Help documents and code snippets can be viewed at http://halgatewood.com/docs/plugins/testimonial-rotator/ = Version 2 Available Now = Version 2 includes a big release full of awesome features like: * Change all rotator settings in the admin * Add testimonials to multiple rotators * Prev/Next Buttons * Vertical Align Testimonials based on Height * Star Ratings * Author information field * Testimonial single template * Ability to make custom templates (Themes coming August 2015) * hReview Support * Pagination in List Format * Ability to show the Add Rotator section based on User Role * New Settings section * New hooks == Installation == 1. Add plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 1. Add a testimonial rotator 1. Create testimonials and specify which rotator you want it to be a part of 1. Add the rotators to your pages using the shortcode or developers can add the placeholders in their themes. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I change the speed and transition of the rotator? = When you are adding or editing the rotator, you have the ability to specify how many seconds each testimonial should appear for. You can also choose from a handful of transitions there (like fades and wipes). == Screenshots == 1. New Sidebar added just for Testimonials 2. Adding a Testimonial Rotator 3. Add a new Testimonial. Uses built-in WordPress functionality like excerpt, featured images and menu order 4. A Testimonial Rotator inserted into a block of text with a shortcode 5. Testimonials have their own page and use the single template they can be customized by making a single-testimonial.php file in your theme. 6. Testimonial widget on the new TwentyFourteen theme 7. New Widget Options (version 1.3+) 8. New settings area (version 2.0) == Changelog == = 2.0.6 - Updated July 13, 2015 = * Changed WP_Widget() to __construct, for maximum PHP5 support = 2.0.5 - Updated July 20, 2014 = * New filter to change the stars to any FontAwesome Icon * Improved stability when upgrading from 1.4+ * When 'Previous/Next' is checked in the rotator it will automatically turn on paged for the list view = 2.0.4 - Updated July 7, 2014 = * Ability to center the stars * Hopefully fixed up issues with the_content on the single page * Added new filter for pause on hover * Added new filter for loading scripts in the footer * Added new filter for settings on Widgets * Added Rotator IDs to most filters so they can used on a rotator basis = 2.0.3 - Updated May 30, 2014 = * Added thumbnail setting for Rotator * Wrapped Init functions with is_admin for the Admin only hooks = 2.0.2 - Updated May 20, 2014 = * Fixed Widget Title * Fixed rotator timeout and transition speed = 2.0.1 - May 15, 2014 = * Added wrapper div around quote part of testimonial = 2.0 - May 15, 2014 = * Change all rotator settings in the admin * Add testimonials to multiple rotators * Prev / Next Buttons * Vertical Align Testimonials based on Height * Font Awesome * Star Ratings * Hide Featured Image * Author Cite Field * Testimonial single template * Ability to make custom templates (Theme Pack coming soon) * hReview Support * Pagination in List Format * Ability to show the Add Rotator section based on User Role * New Settings section * New hooks added * Code cleanup and more commenting = 1.4 = * Use shortcode to display testimonials from all rotators by not passing in an 'id' attribute * Completed preparation for translation, wrapped all text in __() * Two new filters for the 'supports' section of the register_post_type: testimonial_rotator_supports and testimonial_rotator_testimonial_supports * Two new filters for auto-height 'calc': testimonial_rotator_calc and testimonial_rotator_widget_fx = 1.3.7 = * Updated icon for WordPress 3.8 * Fixed translation and added languages folder, moved .pot to this folder * Moved styles and scripts from action wp_head to wp_enqueue_scripts * Fixed images and order not showing in admin list view * Prepped for an upcoming PRO version! = 1.3.6 = * Fix bug not rotating widget = 1.3.5 = * Changed cycle2 to cycletwo as it was conflicting with other plugins = 1.3.4 = * Fixed small bug where some themes were adding extra spaces and breaking the rotator = 1.3.3 = * Switched from jQuery Cycle1 to Cycle 2 * Widget now uses Rotator FX and Timeout settings * Added .testimonial_rotator_widget_blockquote class to widget blockquote to help override some CSS problems with themes. * Rotator Height is now fixed at the highest testimonial instead of auto adjusting the height = 1.3.2 = reset query bug = 1.3 = * Randomize testimonials without code * Hide the title * Display excerpt or full testimonial in width * Display specific rotator in widget * More shortcode examples * The widget has been updated with all the features as options, no more coding! = 1.2 = * main testimonial now uses the_content filter to make styling better. * include rotator using the rotator slug, for example: [testimonial_rotator id=homepage] * new attributes to the shortcode: ** hide_title: hides the h2 heading ** format: settings format=list will remove rotator and display all testimonials ** limit: set the number of testimonials to display, new default is -1 or all testimonials = 1.1.5 = * small bug in widget javascript = 1.1.4 = * reworking loading of scripts for rotator, should be sorted now. = 1.1.3 = * jQuery ready function always = 1.1.2 = * Testimonial widget using jQuery ready function instead of window.onload = 1.1.1 = * Can't remember, forgot to put this one in (not cool of me, I know) = 1.1 = * Small fix to make the testimonial widget fit it's container = 1.0 = * Initial load of the plugin.