
Terms and Definitions Dictionary

Title: Terms and Definitions Dictionary
Application: WordPress Plugin
Created by: Codigonexo - http://www.codigonexo.com/
Author: Juan ViƱas Traverso for Codigonexo
Latest version: 1.5 - December 20th, 2012
Description: Creates an interactive dictionary of terms and definitions using shortcodes and jQuery.

License GPLv2

Copyright (C) 2012, Codigonexo

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .


Version Date Comments
1.5.1 24/12/2012 Now the plugin uses WPs jQuery version. jQuery tools now is loaded from /js directory.
1.5 20/12/2012 "About" page added.
Now "Settings" is renamed to "Options" and is located under "Definitions" menu.
Fixed minor bugs.
When searching definitions by title, this is not case sensitive.
1.4.3 20/12/2012 Removed useless code.
1.4.2 20/12/2012 Widget improved with nested Families. "Depth" option deprecated.
Auto detection improved in single Definitions entries. Now the definition is not defined in its own definition.
1.4.1 19/12/2012 Now you can set the auto detect only if there is no other definitions in the post. Else, it will only appears the definitions manually established.
1.4 19/12/2012 New feature: Terms auto detect. All coincidences will be shown if this option is selected.
Improved style of terms in the text, inheriting the context's style.
1.3.6 19/12/2012 Added CSS attribute to tooltip z-index: 99;
If URL attribute is not set, the term will not appear as a link.
1.3.5 18/12/2012 WordPress 3.5 ready.
Color selectors in the plugin's options section now are like WordPress 3.5.
1.3.4 18/12/2012 Added widget options: title and list depth.
Plugin's options improved.
1.3.3 18/12/2012 Widget fixed.
1.3.2 27/11/2012 Widget added.
1.3.1 27/11/2012 App icons added, made by Layla Sierra.
1.3 26/11/2012 *Added custom URL to the short-tag: [def url="http://url.com"]Term[/def].
1.2 26/11/2012 *Options page now works.
*The options modify the result in the post view.
*Two new options added: Tooltip Text Color and Opacity.
*Added support to HTML5 fields in options page.
*Added suport to recognize Definition Slug and Definition ID.
1.1 24/11/2012 Options page added.
1.0 23/11/2012 Basic functionality created.
Plugin improved with jQuery.

Developed by Codigonexo